Friday, March 30, 2012

Analysis “Ironc”, Alanis Morissette

     Telling the listener little stories about random people’s unluck, in “Ironic” Alanis Morissette uses multifaceted irony, failed examples of irony, and sad imagery, in order to explain that life is “a little too ironic” and bad situations tend to get worse.

The song is made of two little “ironic” stories and a third verse filled with little everyday examples.
In the very first story, an old man wins the lottery and dies the next day. It seems really unlucky that he played all his life and dies directly after he finally won. If he won earlier in life, would he have had the chance to really spent the money and have a better life, or would he have died even than? Another question is, if it’s really that exciting for an 98- year old, to win that much money. Eventually he already lost parts of his mind or maybe he wasn’t in physical shape to really enjoy what he could’ve done with the big win. Also, the example of “ten thousand spoons when all you need is a fork” states misfortune. The exaggerated number of spoons you don’t need pushes the statement to irony.

The second story is about a man who is afraid to fly and when he finally does it, “the plane crase[d]s down”. He waits his entire flight to take one single flight and exactly this one flight happens to go wrong. The chance of dying in a plane crash is 1:3.000.000. The example of the plane crash killed man also is sad imagery. Alanis describes how he “kissed his kids goodbye” and gets on the plane. Many people who are scared of flying will understand his fear, and feel with him when the irony lets him die. He obviously leaves a family behind. He leaves the question why he actually got on that plane, as well. But not the entire sog is made of sad imagery. Some are more heartbreaking than others, for example the “ran on your wedding day” is by far not as tragic as death.

    Sadly, this song contains a couple of failed examples of irony. Most of her examples happen unexpected and serve as a little shocking aspect of sarcasm. But when she sings “It’s like rain on your wedding day”, there obviously is the opinion of expecting a nice day on your wedding. The big issue of this little statement is to find the difference between hope and expectation, so it definitively be fine  to hope for good weather, but not to expect is. Weather is a random thing, and not influential at all. There are many days in the year when it rains, and it is not shocking or totally sad, when one of those days happens to be a wedding day.  Another example is a “traffic jam when you’re already late”. Is this really such a bad thing to happen. If someone is late already, he is late anyways and nothing can change that. A traffic jam will only cause the person to be even later than he is anyway.

    Although the song contains a couple examples of failing irony, Alanis Morissette wrote a song that is stuck in everybody's head forever and won’t ever go away again.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Analysis "eifer&sucht", Prinz Pi

The two Words from the Song's title "Eifer" and "Sucht" mean "eagerness" and "addiction". Together they build the word "Eifersucht", which means "Jealousy". The narrator is quasi addicted with eagerness, and tries to handle things, that are not even existing.

Dealing with jealousy towards his girlfriend, in "Eifer& Sucht" Prinz Pi uses a real life situation as an example, charactarization of himself as an overreacting boyfriend, and awekward imagery in order to explain his unfair reaction when his girlfriend comes home in the mornig and doesn't respond to his accusations.

The narrator's girlfriend comes home in the mornig after a partynight with friends and gets pepperd with distrustful questions from him. She is tired and wants to go to bed, but he interprets her behaviour as that she wants to avoid telling him something. He starts having all these Ideas of what she could"ve done that night instead of really being with friends. He gets really mad, and wants to fight. In the end he is convinced, that she was with another guy and revenches, calling girlfriends from his past, to start a affair with one of them in order to hurt his actual distrusted girlfriend, who probably didn't even do anything wrong. He walks around , lives his life and thinks about what jealousy is doing to him.When she leaves him, he starts regreting that his jealousy has so much power over him and destroed their relationship.

He describes himself as an unfair boyfriend. His jealousy starts showing in the second line when he responds with :"You are kidding me" after his girlfriend said, she was out with friends. When she adds, that there was a guy with them who she knows from work, the narrator thinks that there is more, she doesn't tell him and becomes wary. He starts observing her and comes to the rsult, that she regrets and hides something. So he planes on revenge.
In the Refrain he sings "kann I trust no one, is there still truth?", not knowing who he can belive and what the actual truth behind unsaid things is. On the other hand it shows, that he is way to distrustful.

In his song, Prinz Pi uses awekward imagery in the Rafrain. Singing "Ants are crawling under my skin", he gives the audience a slight feeling for what the jealousy makes him feel inside. He is addicted to do anything about his assumptions, to fight her new boyfriend she doesn't even have. He checks her facebookpage to find proofs and knows that he acts idiotic. The song makes the listener a little angry with him, until he sings that he is mad with himself, for loosing her.

The Song describes really well, how jealousy starts with one little word, and how the mind starts wanderin and making things bigger and believable for the jealous person. When the person actually starts believing, what he thinks, it mostly ends worse than it would've if he believed her. That he looses her in the end, for nothing, tells the audience that sometimes trusting people makes yourself feel better.